FANISI TANZANIA was founded in Mwanza East Africa in recognition of our community’s increased need for social services on behalf of children and their families at high risk. We target a range of support for families experiencing Violence, Abuse, Suicidality, addictions to substances and extreme poverty. For parents or caregivers with histories of unaddressed, and unhealed Trauma, Fanisi Specialists offer evidence-based therapeutic treatment, resources, advocacy and Psychoeducation through a family-centered, community-based approach. Through sustainability projects in urban and rural areas, FANISI improves the lives of children and strengthens families.

FANISI TANZANIA’S MISSION is to enrich society by helping children and families to prosper. We teach positive parenting skills, promote interdisciplinary relationships between institutions and their communities, and support sustainable social development as an investment in each new generation.

Breaking the cycle of misfortune
for our most vulnerable children & families

  • General Education
    and Public Work
    FANISI works with local educational organizations and public works specializing in child, adolescent and family services to strengthen the wellbeing and feeling of belonging of the children and families they serve.

    We help stabilize the financial security of young men and women by offering education about ways to increase personal income and enhance self-reliance.

    Creating a structured and supportive environment, FANISI assists young adults and heads of households in planning and achieving goals that address their problems.

  • Health
    For children in need, we ensure appropriate access to health care services and advice by a professional treatment team.

    For parents and their single young adults, FANISI provides personal and group guidance focusing on today’s complex social demands.

    Contact us during a health crisis, a FANISI specialist will intervene, and create a personalized treatment plan in consultation with the family. When necessary, we will refer a family to a more appropriate service provider.

  • Emergency

    FANISI prioritizes trauma-informed care to children during emergencies, such as natural disasters, sudden outbreaks of conflict or disease, and other severe and threatening circumstances. Parents and caregivers may then be treated.

    Clinical care is also extended to colleagues employed at social institutions, and we provide
    consultation as requested.

    We advocate on behalf of families for home safety and any restoration necessary following emergencies.

What we do

We reach out on behalf of children at high risk of abuse and/or neglect to advocate for a safe, improved home environment.

When society fails children, it’s often at home that problems can intensify, becoming very painful and sometimes dangerous. Without enough community and professional support, family problems can escalate so much that children resort to living on the streets. There, they are exposed to many new forms of abuse. At even greater risk, these children become more deeply traumatized. This leads them into problematic behavior, which greatly increases the likelihood that they will become further victimized by violence, or may victimize others.

Our focus is PREVENTION

Through our programs for Family and Individual Intervention, we prevent children from running away from home and
becoming involved in street life.

We believe reaching this vulnerable group of children is crucial to our work, and we are dedicated to returning children to their homes.

Our Approach

Because of our geo-cultural background, FANISI has a unique and effective strategy, enabling our staff to make a positive difference in our community. We ensure that each person collaborates to solve his or her own challenging situation. Our staff assumes our client is the expert, and provides guidance.
We work closely in support of each individual and related community as that person regains and strengthens personal agency.
The experience is most often life-changing.

  • 1
    Family Intervention
    • We identify families with children at high risk in the community through the local leaders and government development workers, using specific criteria.
    • We offer parent meetings at our Caregiver Club in various neighborhoods to make the community stronger.
    • We provide parents and caregivers with workshops in parenting skills.
    • We strengthen family relationships and treat attachment issues using family therapy.
    • We stabilize economic aspects of a family using the Village Saving and Loan Association.
    • We refer families to other service providers as different needs arise.
  • 2
    Individual Intervention
    Mothers or fathers actively raising children may have gone through difficult experiences in the past. Through intensive intervention, they can heal old wounds by processing those past experiences and developing new understanding.

    • We offer therapeutic sessions for traumatized parents, caregivers and children at home or in a safe place.
    • We support children whose basic needs are neglected, or suffer undue hardships in their families. Children may not currently be attending school because of vulnerabilities at home.
    • We intervene in matters of health and/or refer to other service providers.
  • 3
    Community Intervention
    • We live and work in Tanzania. To inspire change and make communities better, FANISI works with civic leaders to recognize the important roles they play. We encourage members to be involved in all kinds of social systems, such families, schools and neighborhoods, with strong commitment. Guiding them on how they can play their parts, FANISI protects vulnerable children in their districts when they become victims of violence in different forms of abuse, whether by deprivation or extreme poverty.
    • Target groups are families with children at high risk. We help to change community perceptions by changing the way adults understand the issues that cause children to run away from home.
    • Raising awareness of the risks our youngsters face when they exchange family connection for street life is at the heart of our work.

  • 4
    School Intervention
    We develop Sustainable Child Abuse Prevention Clubs in schools and train the Children in clubs and Teachers as Trainers of Hope/Trainers of Trainees to facilitate the Child Abuse Prevention Program through Awareness Sessions on weekly bases.
    W e do also work so closely with Teachers, local leaders’ social welfare officers, Community Development officers. We involve them from the planning using Joint Planning meetings and during the implementation.
We bring people together.
When you support Fanisi Tanzania with your financial gift, we can do our work more fully.
Our goal is to reach the maximum number of families with children at risk.
To achieve sustainable changes with greatest impact in the community we focus on three levels.
Family Work with Caregivers and Children
at High Risk
Commentary by
Kissa Rogers Mwangosi - Founder and Head of FANISI TANZANIA
In my experience, a great number of parents have not been able to access their full potential in a satisfying way. Pressed by very difficult factors, they have barely been able to function as mothers or fathers to their children.
We at FANISI TZ understand and feel compassionately towards them. The bitter fact is that parents’ own painful experiences during childhood were not recognized, validated or addressed, and so they perpetuate a similar cycle of difficult experiences in adulthood. FANISI TZ is prepared to break this cycle of broken motherhood and fatherhood. With our services, hope can be renewed.

Personal and painful past histories, long held and misunderstood, cause parents to fail to act responsibly. Most often, they don’t know why. Parents can be mature, functioning adults in some areas, yet still childish in areas where painful childhood wounds stopped their development. Parenting styles are typically influenced by distinct experiences like these, and include family background and personality. In most cases, these specific histories affect how parents, as primary caregivers, relate to their children.

We at FANISI TZ help parents and frontline caregivers to process their past experiences. We provide a kind of mothering for them to become more mature. We teach positive parenting in an initial series, to model more effective ways of responding to their children. This supportive training is offered mostly in the home. Our goal is for parents to become more responsible for their children and expand on their love for each other.

FANISI TZ is doing more to acknowledge parents for doing their level best, despite difficulties. We play a large role in helping them to see which possibilities work best, as they learn new skills and practice a positive parenting style.

Ultimately, we break an unhappy cycle of family pain for the welfare of their children.
Our projects
Support Mothers and Fathers
You can be a hero in the life of a parent.

We believe in capacity building. When parents feel empowered by our social workers, they can achieve new parenting tools and renew hope.
Our Vision to Build Communal Education Centers
Our long-term vision is to promote safe and welcoming environments, including improved buildings, so that all stakeholders function at their best.
If you want to support our local projects for children in need, become a valuable participant in our national and international network.

Please donate, or fundraise for us in your network.

Complete this form or email us.

Our News
  • Introductory Meeting of “MALEZI MATTERS” PROJECT at Regional & District Levels

    We are excited to announce our first meeting with government officers who will be working with us. The implementation of FANISI MMP in April 2020 marks a milestone for the community in Ilemela-Mwanza
  • Food support to the families with malnourished Children
    Stories in development
  • Intensive family intervention
    Since April we provided weekly family therapeutic sessions to families with psychological/emotional needs.
  • Family work with caregivers and children at high risk.
  • Child rights and Child Abuse Prevention Programme
    We aim to create to create awareness to Children on Child rights and Child Abuse Prevention in schools and Communities. The Child Abuse Prevention Programme ( CAPP) in Schools, the intervention that trains children in primary schools within formed supportive clubs to understand their rights, indicators of right violation, preventing abuse and ways of reporting as well as supporting the victims of such abuse.
  • Teachers Trainings
    For sustainability factor, we work directly with Teachers in Schools on Child rights and Child Abuse Prevention programme in Schools. We provide trainings to the identified teachers on Children Clubs management, to provide technical support to the Child Abuse Prevention Clubs and supervise the club Leaders on the weekly and Monthly bases.
  • Positive Parenting Training.
    We work directly with Parents and Caregivers of Vulnerable Children or Children at high risk in the Communities. We develop Parenting Clubs and provide Positive Parenting trainings/sessions on Monthly bases. Positive Parenting trainings are conducted using “Better Parenting Training model For Caregivers of highly Vulnerable Children “which are facilitated by our internal skilled and experienced staffs within the Organization
  • Stakeholders Meeting
    We work with respective government authorities to identify these vulnerable families resulted from Violence, abuse, extreme poverty, relational issues, alcoholism and difficult parenting.
  • In house staff technical time
Take part in creating a future for Children at High Risk in Tanzania!

Each dollar can make a change.


NAME: Fanisi Tanzania Organisation

Name of the Bank: Equity Bank

Acc Name: Fanisi Tanzania (FT)

Account Number: 3005211594662 USD

Account Number: 3005211594659

Swift Code: EQBLTZTZ

or here:


Kissa Rogers Mwangosi

Mgewa Joseph Nyamwaila

Adolph.T. Kasegenya

Grace Christopher. Ngwilili

Godlisten Charles Muro

Gabriel Solomoni Joseph

Hannah Labusch, M.A.S.

Jerry Pavlon-Blum, Ed.M.


(in alphabetical order)

Cheka Sana Foundation, Mwanza

Kurt Madöri - kwa wazee, Tanzania / Switzerland


(in alphabetical order)

Graphic Design, Florian Häberli, Switzerland

Editor, Hannah Labusch, Switzerland

English Translation, Jerry Pavlon-Blum, USA

Web Page, Milena Krawetz, Poland


(in alphabetical order)

Karl Zünd Foundation, Switzerland

Olasiti Petro Station Company, Tanzania


(in alphabetical order)

Yvonne Kaufmann

Godlisten Charles Muro

(more to be added)

FANISI TANZANIA foundation is charitable registered Non-government Organization.

It was incorporated on January 15th of 2019 by approval on regional level.

On August 9th 2019 it became officially registered under the NGO Act 2002 with Registration No. 00NGO/R/0407.

Have questions?

Contact us by phone or email





Balyehere Street Block No 203

Malaika Resort beach road

Ilemela - Mwanza, Tanzania

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